Subscribe to delivery and mail-order coffee service today and have our coffee delivered to your door or mailbox when you want and in the quantity you want! You can have coffee delivered at your preferred frequency.
The Gardens of Hope: Coffee Subscription
Drink Coffee Change the World! Support The Gardens of Hope Charity when you subscribe to our coffee mail-order delivery service!
Just choose your coffee, delivery frequency, and edit quantity. Each order includes 2lbs of coffee. Modify or cancel your subscription anytime from your My Account page. To place a ONE-TIME ORDER or GIFT ORDER click here.
Coffee Subscription Details
Subscription FAQs
What are your shipping & delivery options?
We offer the same shipping options as our regular orders. Including the following:
1) USPS Domestic USA. For 2lb orders: $8.00 for 1 order and +$5.00 for each additional 2lbs beyond the first. For 1lb orders: $8 + $2.00 for each additional 1lb beyond the first.
2) To-Your-Door delivery. Serving West Las Vegas, Downtown Las Vegas & Henderson areas. View service area map.
$2.99 + .$0.50/each additional lb beyond first. ( Call us and ask if you’re unsure if you qualify for this option. )
3) Free pick-up at our local roastery during normal business hours or by request.
4) International Shipping. By special request only. Please email to place a custom order.
Hint: you can reduce shipping costs by increasing your order size and reducing your delivery frequency. (ex. Double the number of bags you are buying and double your frequency.)
How do subscription payments work?
Payment occurs the first day you begin your subscription, which notifies us of your first order. This order is then automatically repeated at the time frequency you selected after the last date of payment. An order confirmation receipt will be emailed to you each time payment is made via automated subscription renewal.
When do I receive my orders?
Coffees are usually roasted once a week, although we plan to roast as often as possible. After we receive your subscription or renewal payment, your order is received in our queue and processed the same as our regular coffee orders. We typically roast to order, so your coffee will usually be roasted within 1-3 days of the order date and delivered roughly 1-4 days after roasting depending on USPS shipping days & times. The more friends you refer to us and the more business we do the better our fulfillment times will become as we roast more days of the week. 🙂
Can I modify my subscription?
You can modify your subscription at any time by simply going to “My Account” >> “My Subscriptions“ then clicking “View” next to the subscription you’d like to change, then clicking “Modify Subscription”. Refunds for cancelled subscription orders will be returned back to you using the same method of payment you originally used to place the order.
How do I pause or cancel my subscription?
Simply go to “My Account” >> “My Subscriptions” to cancel your subscription order. Subscriptions cannot be paused, so you must simply cancel your subscription and create a new subscription when you are ready to resume ordering. Refunds for cancelled orders will be returned back to you using the same method of payment you originally used to place the order.
How do I place a bulk, commercial, or wholesale order?
Please call us or email to discuss wholesale rates for bulk and commercial size orders.